Sunday, November 4, 2007

From LCIF Chairman Lion Jimmy Ross ( Past International President )

Dear Lion Overman: I would like to update you on recent news in LCIF. I ask that you share this information with your club and district to help promote LCIF. LCIF, Lions Respond to California WildfiresLCIF is working with Lions leaders in Southern California to help victims of the California wildfires. A total of US$45,000 in emergency grants and relief funding has been approved to date. Sixteen fires across the southern part of the state have destroyed more than 1,300 homes and more than 500,000 residents have evacuated. Lions in Districts 4-L6 ( San Diego area) and 4-L5 have mobilized their emergency response team. Lions in District4-L6 have also set up an online message board for those able to offer assistance or ideas. LCIF continues to work with Lions in southern California to assess the situation and determine a course of action. An LCIF designated account has been established for those wishing to donate to the relief efforts. For updated information, continue to visit our Web site. Year of Campaign SightFirst IIPrograms like SightFirst have made Lions the international leaders in the fight against blindness. Together, we have saved or restored sight to more than 27 million people and improved the vision treatment for hundreds of millions of individuals. Several of these individuals' stories are included in two new DVDs, The Faces of SightFirst and The Year of CSFII.Like an MJF, a Progressive MJF designated to CSFII has the power to save 166 individuals from blindness. New SightFirst PublicationTo promote the work of Lions and LCIF through the SightFirst program, a new publication titled ForSight has been created. Produced three times a year, ForSight is distributed to current and past international officers, partner organizations, technical advisors, SightFirst chairpersons and other supporters of SightFirst. The August and October issues can be viewed online.Future issues will be available in all official languages. This publication is especially valuable for those considering donating to Campaign SightFirst II. Sri Lanka Hosts Lions World Sight DayLions clubs throughout the nation conducted vision screenings for more than 50,000 residents and distributed eyeglasses to those in need on October 7 to mark Lions World Sight Day. Lions also provided free cataract surgery for more than 1,500 people at the two Lions eye hospitals in the area. The surgeries were made possible through an LCIF SightFirst grant. Lions in Colombo , Sri Lanka , also took part in a march through the city's streets in support of Campaign SightFirst II and to promote healthy vision. A seminar on childhood blindness and press conference were also held. Lions launched World Sight Day, now its in 10th year, to recognize the importance of eradicating preventable blindness around the world. Lions clubs around the world held local activities on World Sight Day to educate their communities about the need to preserve sight. Key Partnerships for Lions QuestThe U.S. State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs awarded LCIF a second 5-year US$1.255 million sub-contract to provide teacher training and curriculum support for Lions Quest drug prevention in schools in Russia for the first time, as well as expanding current Lions Quest programming in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. Lions Clubs International has joined the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) as a sustaining member and partner to enhance the work of local communities and help youth resist alcohol and other drugs. Lions will support their mission to build stronger capacity for anti-drug efforts through the 5,000 commnict coalitions nationwide.Grants Awarded at the October Board MeetingMore than US$3.48 million in grants were approved at the October 2007 LCIF Board Meeting. A total of 52 grants were awarded to Lions clubs all over the world to assist many humanitarian projects. This includes a grant for US$1 million to continue the Special Olympics-Lions Clubs International partnership. Through the partnership more than 100,000 Special Olympics athletes have had their vision screened and 44,000 athletes have received glasses or sport goggles. The deadline to apply for Standard, Core 4 and IAG grants for review at the next board meeting is January 18.Holiday Giving Ideas This holiday season, give a gift to the world with your gift to LCIF. Your gift of stock, property, will bequest or monetary donation will help LCIF continue to fulfill its mission worldwide.NEW: Donations by credit card can now be made online. Consider making a gift in another's name to recognize a family member or fellow Lion this holiday season.Effective through December 31, 2007 (in the US), if you have a traditional or Roth individual retirement account (IRA) and are 70.5 or older, you can now exclude from your taxable income distributions of up to $100,000 per year that are made to LCIF. Contact the LCIF Development Department ( for more information on the various types of annuities offered by LCIF, the IRA rollover, or gifts of property or stock.I thank you for your continued support and dedication to LCIF. Also, I'll be soon sending a message about recent efforts in fighting the pandemic flu. Serving Through LCIF,Jimmy M.Ross

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