Tuesday, January 8, 2008

From Lion Marilyn

Next meeting:


Wednesday, January 9, 2007 at noon at the Western Sizzlin.


We need you to attend if possible.  Your attendance and participation will be good for us and we might be good for you.  We would love to have any and all members attend.


Gary Overman is in Australia for a few weeks.


Margaret Little is home with an injury to her Achilles tendon.  She is in a cast and in a wheel chair.


I am told that our former Lions president, C. W. Channel will be 80 years old this week.


Remember:  John Vandergriff, a long time Lions member, Donna Sanders, a former Lions member, Jan Rayburn's daughter-in-law, Trish, and Joan Yoder, all who are undergoing treatments for cancer.


Charity Dinner, February 1, 2008, Coffee County Conference Center, 6:00 for social, 7:00 for dinner.  Jan is arranging for a small band.:  Remember to sell the tickets.  $100 for 2 steak dinners and some prizes will be awarded.  See Ernie for more tickets.


Next meeting is January 16, noon, Western Sizzlin, Program is by our own Lions' member, Monty Hatcher.  Topic "Economic Outlook."

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