Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Saturday night Christmas Concert...We need some volunteers.

We need some additional volunteers.  Sign up Wednesday at the meeting.

We need 4-6 people to be available near the doors, just in case we need to move additional chairs from other parts of the church, before and after the concert.   We'll have to wait to see how many people actually come.  

We need 6-12 people to work the doors, to help with programs, maybe actually help people find seats, be close to the baskets for the money.   The baskets will be marked with ribbon and Lions logo signs.  People working the doors will be finished once the concert begins, except it would be nice if a basket could be back at each door as people leave, with one person sorta supervising, just in case people want to add more money.  Be there by 5:45 PM, please.

The church would also like some folks to be around at the very end to help move things that might need to be set up for their service on Sunday morning.

We will have roses for the two directors and the two accompanist at the end of the program.  Monty will make the presentations.  We may need some one to bring those roses out to Monty.  Right this minute, my granddaughters have agreed to do so and to work the doors as ushers, but you never know what young adult granddaughters might do though.

There will be a way to reserve a seat for the workers, both ushers and movers of chairs, etc.  

We had the next to last rehearsal tonight.  Still a few bugs, but they sound so good.  You are going to be so proud that this is a concert sponsored by Downtown Lions.

Thanks to Lisa and Wayne Parris, Margaret Little, Joe Blanton, Harry Brittain, Monty Hatcher and Marilyn Morris who helped stuff bags of goodies as a thank you to the children and their families.  Each child received some goodies and a thank you note telling them about LIONS.

Goodies were provided by Dian Peek, Linda Justice, Wayne and Lisa Parris, and Marilyn Morris   

Baylon Hilliard is singing in the concert.  We need to also recognize that Baylon is the person who came to the club thinking that we might or even should carry this event off.

Tom Shelton and the Exchange have helped with advertising.

The Tullahoma News has helped with news stories.

Channel 6 and Peahead hosted Ann Baldwin, Linda Crouch, and Marilyn Morris on Tullahoma Living to talk about the program.  We also got a little announcement in on the Big Brothers telethon.  Channel 6 is running one of thei rflip charts for us about the concert.

New Vision Bank is running the announcement on their sign.  Thank you Harry.

Several churches made announcements last week in services and/or bulletins   Thanks to the work of Joe Blanton, Baylon Hilliard and Marilyn Morris

Thanks to each person who has been involved in any manner.
Mobile: Gary Overman

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