Mobile: Gary Overman
From: Marilyn Morris
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 14:51:29 -0500
To: undisclosed-recipients:;<Invalid address>
Subject: Lions Club District Governor to attend out meeting this week
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
12:00 noon at Boone's Restaurant
This week the District Governor will be visiting our club. Our president, Gerald Player, would like for as many of us to attend this meeting as possible.
We want to let the District Governor know that we are an active/involved club.
We need you to attend. Please bring a guest.
Golf Tournament. Thank you Harry!!! Since the District Governor will be speaking, Harry may not have time to give all of the details this week. I will share a few with you, but do not know any financial details.
The golf tournament was great. The golf pro says that it was the largest tournament since he has been at the club. Harry says the tournament was not the absolute largest for our club, but we did have 35 teams play. One additional team was signed up but did not show. The pro said that he was surprised because the "no show" team plays in every tournament at the club.
The tournament had a great beautiful day until about 5:00 PM, when the rain came. The pro called the tournament and winners were established based upon the holes played by various teams. While the tournament winners were being determined (by the pro), door prizes were distributed (by Harry) to players inside the club house.
The club had a raffle for a wooden cooler (constructed by Lion Wayne Parris) and a folding wooden yard chair (donated by L&H Distributing) .
Members who worked the day of the tournament: Harry Brittain, Gary Overman, Monty Hatcher, Cathy Walker, Jan Rayburn, Reggie McDonald, Joe Blanton, Darrel Gilliam, Nora Waller, Paul Davis, Lana Woodard, Billy Allen, Marilyn Morris, Colin Lawrence, Harry Trovillo,
Vision (chair, Cathy Walker) and Hearing (chair, Tammy Overman) screening.
In late August/ September, we will be screening the hearing of every child in Tullahoma Schools, plus the vision of many five and pre-five year old children in Tullahoma area.
These two chairs (Tammy and Cathy) need the help of many members. This would be a good time for affiliate members who would be willing to work a few hours in a project to help our club.
Regular members may sign up at a regular meeting. Tammy has a schedule going around now for members to sign up.
Reggie McDonald (has a commercial license) has agreed to drive the new van from school to school.
Name Tags: Some folks have indicated that they need a name tag. Linda Justice has an idea as to how we can develop inexpensive, but attractive name tags that could be replaced quickly/easily. Check with Linda to see her name tag. Then you may decide whether we should purchase name tags for new members from national or make our own.
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