Thursday, August 19, 2010

One More Screening!

VDG2 Linda Justice, Project Chairman Tammy Overman, and Colin Lawrence, Project Guardian Angel celebrate completion of screening at Tullahoma High School with smiles. The club and community thanks them... And EVERYONE who helped!

And of course special thanks to Lion Cathy Walker and her teams who did the Sure Sight screenings for all the Tullahoma Kindergarteners .

When the screenings are completed tomorrow at St. Paul, the Tullahoma Downtown Club will have spent well over 100 hours of service to complete approx. 1400 screenings.

Our sister club, the Tullahoma Lions did the vision screenings for the kids too old for SureSight screening, which was probably about 1300 or more kids. We compliment them for a job well done as well!

Mobile: Gary Overman

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